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TMC dealers
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TMC Europa Ltd. is a manufacturer specialising in Therapeutic medical equipment, "Extracorporeal Shock-wave Lithotripters" with the brand name of TMC, "External Counter Pulsation" Unit for treatment of Cardiac diseases with a brand name of IECP and VECP, "Haematological Ionisation Unit" for blood-based infections, ESMR, Devices for treatment of ED (li-ESWT) and many more. Our aim is to provide the most advanced therapeutic modalities available worldwide through by development of innovative and state-of-the-art Medical Equipments.

This is the dealers' Exclusive area.

EECP support

We are making it a fundamental policy to base all our behaviour and intentions on our standards of "The Customer comes first above everything else" in all aspects of our operations including product development, production, sales and service which, as our corporate motto indicates, we provide with a "Sincere heart".

We aim at business expansion and development for the next leap forward while maintaining profitability. To do so, we will give first priority to more difficult management objectives, set clear deadlines, and speed up their implementation.

We will observe social responsibility, become more transparent in our operations, pay attention to management quality and the social environment, and foster independent-minded people internally.


ESWL support

Everyone in TMC Europa Ltd agrees with one another that management means actual execution and that we must achieve the target with satisfactory results, generate a bright future, reliably and meet the expectations of our customers.

Saving lives worldwide is our prime motto. We are and would be working all our life to provide the best in"Therapeutic Medical" equipment. We have embodied this spirit in our corporate name, TMC. It is our sincere hope that you will look to us for all of your therapeutic medical equipment needs.


IECP solutions

Quality management and continuous product development ensure TMC equipment stay ahead of the competition.
TMC. is renowned worldwide as the manufacturer of quality Lithotripters. Constant Product development in line with customer and market needs continues to give TMC a competitive edge that others envy, value for money. The pursuit of Excellence and continuous improvement constitutes the Philosophy of TMC equipment.
Being the renowned manufacturer of world-class Lithotripters, the most advanced lithotripsy solutions are engineered at TMC. The R&D (Research and Development) centre of the company is always finding new ways, and new solutions to cure stone problems. The company is constantly in touch with the latest.